Thursday, March 31, 2022

!ndigenous Victims of Mind Control

I had a hard time believing the mind control part of the radio wave targeting. But as I digested professional reports and a few of the testimonies of genuine victims (between 2011 and 2013), and I looked back through my life and that of my loved ones, many confusing puzzle pieces began clicking together and I knew it was real.
    It appears that families of indigenous people were used for experimentation and also are now victims of ongoing sadistic targeting that aims to deprive or torture or steal from or recruit or just manipulate in cruel games...etc. My grandmother was a Native American in Canada and I believe that the targeting of my family most likely started there and was also in the catholic schools they were forced to attend in my mother and grandmother's generations. 
    But Native people are nearly not be the only ones who are victims of the mind control parts of the targeting. And people whom torture victims get close to are VERY apt to be effected by it, in order to prevent the proper kinds of support or help. This can make things confusing and psychologically harmful to both parties...etc.

The global pharmaceutical problem is directly linked to wide spread technological (radio wave) mind control. People are more controllable/impressionable when they are taking certain types of brain numbing pharmaceuticals, like antidepressants and antianxiety pills...etc. Much of humanity is now affected through the general numbing of the brain with mass distribution of these types of pharmaceuticals, (which are now even being found in some public water supplies), and by the radio waves that flood most communities around the globe. It appears that subtle brainwashings have been happening on a VERY large scale.
    But this situation is much worse in heavily targeted families, especially for individuals who have been inflicted with microchip implants during surgeries (like for tonsil removal) or dental work...etc.

In targeted families mind control can affect victims in multiple ways, AT STRATEGIC TIMES, and include but are not nearly limited to making a person...

feel confused
feel mentally numb
forget important things
laugh at inappropriate times
repeat things over and over again
feel sexually aroused or impotent
feel like they are in love
misperceive important things
crave unhealthy foods or substances
not be able to stop an addiction
be obsessed with certain things
have repetitive thoughts
be drawn to certain people or places
be blocked from their own natural spirituality
be blocked from their own heart/compassion
be emotionally blocked or be over-emotional
believe false things
disbelieve true things
say things they do not mean
feel anxious or depressed or angry
think negatively or positively
feel euphoria or doom...etc.

   The radio wave mind control is not at all noticeable to unaware victims. They think they are following their own hearts and instincts, but aren't really. And sadly, they often think there is something wrong with them, when there isn't. They tend to blame themselves or each other because they are not aware of the crime that has been being committed against them.
    In more severe forms of mind control it appears that victims can experience periods of being drugged and made to do things they would not normally do. On the severest levels it appears that the radio wave and pharmaceutical mind control can also make a person even become violent or can cause brain damage and completely change a person's personality - completely control/enslave a person's mind...etc. (I think some of the mass shootings have probably been being done by severe mind control victims.)
    But even in its mildest forms, the pharmaceutical and radio wave mind control has been destroying many people's lives and manipulates our world in many negative ways. Its been literally destroying the Heart of humanity. It has to be fully exposed and stopped, in order for freedom and recovery to take place for all of humanity, but especially for heavily targeted families and individuals.

Torture levels of the radio wave targeting are noticeable to aware victims because it causes physical pain and happens at strategic times. My experiences have been mostly with the torture levels of the targeting, which have often included painful laser shots to various parts of my body, (including regular sexual assaults), and painful or debilitating microwave weapon attacks, which drain my energy and cause physical pain. I have experienced a lot of life threatening microwave and laser weapon attacks and minder ones have been an ongoing part of the targeting that I experience.
    But I have also experienced most of the things in the list above, at strategic times. And I have directly witnessed ALL of these things in MANY people who are primarily mind control victims. Many people are truly not as free as they think they are, especially in targeted families and people whom we associate with.

I hope you are free enough to feel the truth in this, especially if you are an official who can help stop it from continuing. Please share this article with other people. There is more in my Technological Holocaust book and in my Yearn for Freedom books. And there are free articles on

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