Monday, May 24, 2021

Looking Back in Order to Move Forward

It is common to want to put it all behind us and move on or move forward. Yet we must keep looking back until all the healing has been completed, in order to truly move forward. 

  The crimes, that have been committed against the Native American children and families in the Indian Residential Schools in North America, is truly a holocaust.
   The wounds are not only from long ago - the last of the schools, that forcefully tore native children from their families and imprisoned them, was closed in the mid 1990s. This is VERY recent. This is not about old history where natives and whites fought each other. This is about the cruel intentional destruction of the spirit and heart of masses of native children.
   In these schools the native language and spirituality was literally beaten out of the children in many ways. Many victims also report horrific levels of physical and sexual abuse in the Christian schools. The whole concept, even if there had been no severe sexual and physical abuse, is so cruel it is shocking that it was still happening so recently. (There is more in the videos in the right side of this blog.)

My heart deeply feels for the victims of the schools.
I hope they feel my hug in these writings.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

A Book for the Spirit/Heart of the Natives of North America

 I decided to write a book, instead of only doing this blog, so that it can last longer and hopefully be less interfered with by those target me. There is a lot more in this book than what is in this blog. And I had many new realizations as I wrote it and faced how closely the "Indian" residential school holocaust is related to my own situation. This was a very difficult book for me to write, but I felt I had to do it for the sake of freedom and healing for myself as well as others. Please help it to reach the heart of the Native people and all other people who should know what has been happening. 

Return of Native Spirit

If you feel that this book can help you or someone you know, and you honestly can not afford to buy it, you can freely download it. But it is best that you print it out and printing may be more costly then buying it from Barnes and Noble. But please do buy it if you can - please be honest, because I plan to use profits from this book to help Native people with healing their hearts/spirits and also maybe with finding the graves of the Native children who died in the schools, and returning their remains home, if help with this is needed.