Friday, May 31, 2024

America moving Forward with Investigations...

Sexual abuse of Native American children at boarding schools exposed in new report:

Since I learned about what happened to the children in the Catholic schools. I now understand the dreams I used to have about my mother being a young scared child who was hiding behind a bottle of alcohol...etc. I just want to cry every time I think about it.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

The Search for Lost Native Children

Below is a new ABC news documentary about a search for a grave yard around an "Indian School" here in the USA. This is an important step toward recovery.
   I think the search for graves should continue and heavily focus on the schools that were run by catholic and other christian churches. According to dreams I had, some of the lost children were burried on school grounds, but not in formal grave yards. According to one of these dreams, some of the children were murdered and buried around the foundation of a brick catholic school, which my mother was sent to in Canada. And my gut feeling is that there were similar situations in other catholic or christian schools here in the USA and abroad.
   I think that all of the truths must be publicly revealed, and a lot of healthy grieving must take place, before a full recovery can happen for the Native survivors and their children. I hope all decedents of the victims of the "Indian Residential Schools", become fully aware of what really happened to their lost relatives in those schools...and that they let their tears wash away the pain and anger until Love and Peace and Forgiveness take its place.

ABC NEWS; American Indian Boarding Schools: A Small US Town Digs for the Truth | Foreign Correspondent

Friday, September 2, 2022

New Freedom's Peace Paper

Freedom's Peace Paper

Give us STRENGTH, find our way through bullets hidden in microwaves,
and COURAGE, make a STAND that saves our lives and FREEs our land.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Dream of Death

Last night I had a dream of death. In the dream I am with a group of native people and we are dieing from something that is making our bodies slowly stop functioning. In the dream I know it is not natural - that we are being killed and I start sobbing uncontrollably. Then I woke. In the dream I am separate from the Natives, but am also part of that group of them that is being killed.

I beg aware officials to let your hearts openly stand up for us and be fully here for us.  

Dream of Death
copyright 4-26-2022 Sharon Rose Poet

The cardinals screached a warning
On this sad death dream morning.
Then I was distracted by a call
From a heart that dare not fall.
But the cold hard truth remains
Inside of my own unshed pains,
And benieth my growing fear.
That hell is far too near.
If only I were free to choose
The way that we all can not lose.
I've begged to no obvious avail.
But my train is now off its rail.
I hope for freedom and healing
To reach us before the stealing.
Our lives may not matter to anyone
Who knows what has been being done,
But they matter to them and me.
If only all hearts could see.
Oh cast us, Lord, Your Light
And end this torturous night;
Set us all completely free -
The way it was meant to be.
Then help us all to forgive
Those who did not dare to give.
Cast us deep into pure Love
So the hell can be risen above.

P.S. The worse type of death is the death of our natural spirituality. And it appears that this has been the primary aim in the evil targeting of humanity from the start. This is why native people, who avoided modern pharmaceuticals and the religions that were being forced upon them, were so heavily targeted in the catholic residential schools and beyond.

In this dream, those of us who are being targeted were all intentionally inflicted with the same physical illness and it was an illness that makes our limbs go numb - its an illness that can literally force us into medical treatement and being completely dependent on other people - its an illness that ripps away our independence and can be used to destroy all aspects of our freedoms, including our inner freedom. (I am already noticing signs of it in the past few months - it is already happening.)
   It appears that the targeting has shifted to us being put onto a hit list for the destruction of our inner freedom and spirituality through forced "medical treatment," which has played a HUGE roll in the targeting of humanity all along. Those of us who are now on this hit list are probably all people who are aware of the targeting and have lost trust in modern medicine and would not ever freely choose to take the brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals...etc. Physically disabling us would force it and also leave us far more succeptable to other parts of the targeting as well, because it could force us to be completely at the mercy of people who are controlled by those who target us and are a danger to us - it could and surely will literally force us into unsafe and harmful environments, if it is not stopped.
   I pray that all aspects of the targeting will be stopped and that we will be set free BEFORE we are hurt more than we already have been - no intentionally inflicted physical illnesses - no being forced into places where we can be harmed psychologically and spiritually or in any other way...etc.

According to other dreams I've had, there are many types of illnesses they can inflict upon people whom they want to force into controlled environments; blindness is one of them too. It can actually be anything that forces people to be unable to take care of themselves physically. Laser/microwave weapons can remotely cause all types of nerve and muscle damage...etc. And the parasite and chemical parts of the targeting may also be able to cause damage to nerves and muscle...etc. All aspects of the evil targeting must be fully exposed and stopped ASAP, for the health and safety of all of humanity, but espeically for those of us who remained more free and are now on a hit list for complete destruction. God, help us all.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

!ndigenous Victims of Mind Control

I had a hard time believing the mind control part of the radio wave targeting. But as I digested professional reports and a few of the testimonies of genuine victims (between 2011 and 2013), and I looked back through my life and that of my loved ones, many confusing puzzle pieces began clicking together and I knew it was real.
    It appears that families of indigenous people were used for experimentation and also are now victims of ongoing sadistic targeting that aims to deprive or torture or steal from or recruit or just manipulate in cruel games...etc. My grandmother was a Native American in Canada and I believe that the targeting of my family most likely started there and was also in the catholic schools they were forced to attend in my mother and grandmother's generations. 
    But Native people are nearly not be the only ones who are victims of the mind control parts of the targeting. And people whom torture victims get close to are VERY apt to be effected by it, in order to prevent the proper kinds of support or help. This can make things confusing and psychologically harmful to both parties...etc.

The global pharmaceutical problem is directly linked to wide spread technological (radio wave) mind control. People are more controllable/impressionable when they are taking certain types of brain numbing pharmaceuticals, like antidepressants and antianxiety pills...etc. Much of humanity is now affected through the general numbing of the brain with mass distribution of these types of pharmaceuticals, (which are now even being found in some public water supplies), and by the radio waves that flood most communities around the globe. It appears that subtle brainwashings have been happening on a VERY large scale.
    But this situation is much worse in heavily targeted families, especially for individuals who have been inflicted with microchip implants during surgeries (like for tonsil removal) or dental work...etc.

In targeted families mind control can affect victims in multiple ways, AT STRATEGIC TIMES, and include but are not nearly limited to making a person...

feel confused
feel mentally numb
forget important things
laugh at inappropriate times
repeat things over and over again
feel sexually aroused or impotent
feel like they are in love
misperceive important things
crave unhealthy foods or substances
not be able to stop an addiction
be obsessed with certain things
have repetitive thoughts
be drawn to certain people or places
be blocked from their own natural spirituality
be blocked from their own heart/compassion
be emotionally blocked or be over-emotional
believe false things
disbelieve true things
say things they do not mean
feel anxious or depressed or angry
think negatively or positively
feel euphoria or doom...etc.

   The radio wave mind control is not at all noticeable to unaware victims. They think they are following their own hearts and instincts, but aren't really. And sadly, they often think there is something wrong with them, when there isn't. They tend to blame themselves or each other because they are not aware of the crime that has been being committed against them.
    In more severe forms of mind control it appears that victims can experience periods of being drugged and made to do things they would not normally do. On the severest levels it appears that the radio wave and pharmaceutical mind control can also make a person even become violent or can cause brain damage and completely change a person's personality - completely control/enslave a person's mind...etc. (I think some of the mass shootings have probably been being done by severe mind control victims.)
    But even in its mildest forms, the pharmaceutical and radio wave mind control has been destroying many people's lives and manipulates our world in many negative ways. Its been literally destroying the Heart of humanity. It has to be fully exposed and stopped, in order for freedom and recovery to take place for all of humanity, but especially for heavily targeted families and individuals.

Torture levels of the radio wave targeting are noticeable to aware victims because it causes physical pain and happens at strategic times. My experiences have been mostly with the torture levels of the targeting, which have often included painful laser shots to various parts of my body, (including regular sexual assaults), and painful or debilitating microwave weapon attacks, which drain my energy and cause physical pain. I have experienced a lot of life threatening microwave and laser weapon attacks and minder ones have been an ongoing part of the targeting that I experience.
    But I have also experienced most of the things in the list above, at strategic times. And I have directly witnessed ALL of these things in MANY people who are primarily mind control victims. Many people are truly not as free as they think they are, especially in targeted families and people whom we associate with.

I hope you are free enough to feel the truth in this, especially if you are an official who can help stop it from continuing. Please share this article with other people. There is more in my Technological Holocaust book and in my Yearn for Freedom books. And there are free articles on

Monday, February 21, 2022

The Revolution

 The Revolution
copyright Sharon Rose Poet

Her pain writhed in careless trenches of isolation. 
Where her body coiled under shots of radiation, 
From dark shadows of an evil, covert operation, 
That aimed to desecrate a wise and free nation. 
Her needs got lost in soiled piles of destitution. 
All around her raged a dark slithering revolution. 
Each breath swirled in fumes of accumulated pollution. 
Her heart groped for freedom and the best solution.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Are the Arctic Sinkholes Man Made and Part of the Evil Targeting of Indgenous People?

Are the Arctic Sinkholes Man Made and Part of the Evil Targeting of Indigenous People?

The Natives in the far Northern part of the world appear to have been less "assimilated" than most others. In Northern Alaska they have largely continued to follow their own traditions and spirituality and the same is probably true in Russia and Canada.
   I am deeply concerned that the sudden appearance of methane leaking holes, in the lands of the Indigenous people in Alaska and Northern Russia, may be man made and a new form of the targeting of these people.
   The spots are leaking methane due to circles of earth being recently and suddenly thawed. These thawed spots are a mystery to scientists, because the land around them are not thawed and climate change would thaw the whole region and not just small circular spots.
   I feel that the thaw holes have most likely been done with space bases technologies that are equipped with microwave weapons. I also feel that the "global warming" is being caused by, or at least enhanced in the arctic with, microwave weapons.

If you start watching at the 38:49 time, in the video below, you will see the results of the radar scans that show the unnatural thaw holes.

Arctic Sinkholes I Full Episode I NOVA I PBS

The general focus is now on moving the Indigenous people out of the regions where "global warming," and the mysterious methane leak holes, are making the earth unstable...etc. Needless to say, a move (Natives being forced off their home lands again) could be devastating for these people who still largely live off the land and do not want to be "assimilated" into modern societies. And they should NOT be "assimilated"/ruined anymore!

However, there is hope; if the thaw holes and arctic warming are being inflicted with microwave weapons they can be stopped and repaired with microwave weapons. Judging by things I have witnessed microwave weapons can freeze things as well as warm/thaw them. Hopefully the damage can and will be repaired, no matter what has really caused it. We just need criminal use of the technologies to be stopped and for them to be only used by good people who do good things with them, and who are wise enough to not interfere with Nature, especially not in ways that are a threat to the whole world, like the thawing of the arctic and the methane leaking thaw holes into the permafrost are.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Ode to my Native Grandma

 Ode to my Native Grandma

copyrighted with all right reserved Sharon Rose Poet

There are some things I didn't understand;
As rosery beads hung from your trembling hand,
And coldness lurked where your Heart used to be,
I wondered if you cared or thought about me.

Now I wonder if anyone cared about you.
I'm sure you needed love and comfort too.
Were you hit for coming from the tribe -
Our Native blood now a shame you hide?

Did anyone love you the way you were?
Did anyone hold you when you were hurt?
Did anyone open their Hearts to see?
Why did nobody set you free?

Thursday, October 7, 2021

A New Door Opening for Truth and Healing

   "The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) supports the re-introduction of the bill for a Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the U.S. Act. Today, September 30, we are honoring a National Day of Remembrance for U.S. Indian Boarding Schools and calling for a full accounting of the devastating impacts of the Indian boarding school policies that tore away generations of Native American children from their families and communities. NABS is grateful to Senator Elizabeth Warren, and the Co-Chairs of the Congressional Native American Caucus, Congresswoman Sharice Davids and Congressman Tom Cole, for their leadership in introducing this legislation, as well as all the bipartisan support and co-sponsors thus far.
   This bill, along with the Department of the Interior’s Federal Indian Boarding School Truth Initiative announced this June, signals that the federal government is finally ready to acknowledge the devastating consequences of the assimilative boarding school era and begin to address the ongoing intergenerational impacts of the boarding school policies. NABS urges all members of Congress to support this legislation as a first step towards the truth and healing process."

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Over 700 new unmarked graves found at Assimilation School in Canada

Over 700 new unmarked graves were found at an Assimilation School in Canada. And then churches are burning down; 

 I beg all Native people to refrain from any sort of violence

 Please stop fighting and focus on healing. 
Vengeance is not the way to go. 

I can understand the anger though. I've been struggling with my own. Its all just so horribly wrong and sad. Its shocking that people who claimed to follow the God that is Love and Light could do such evil things to defenseless children. I hope officials make the churches pay for the scanning of the grounds of EVERY other school in the USA and Canada, and make them pay for the process of returning the remains of the children to their homelands and/or families where they belong and also for the expenses of proper burials. This is the very least that the churches should do. They are, after all, the ones who did this to the children. They should be forced take responsibility for what they have done. 

Nine Lost Native Children Retrieved

The Rosebud Sioux tribe has just brought nine of their lost children home. Hopefully this is only the first of many more returns that should take place throughout Canada and the USA. This is a sad time, but it is also consoling and healing to retrieve the lost children. I imagine that those children's Spirits are relieved now that the remains of their bodies are where they belonged. Finally at least a part of them has been returned home.

Tribe claims remains of kids who died at assimilation school in Pennsylvania

I wonder about my relatives and what really happened to them. I wonder if my dreams of them dieing at an assimilation school were accurate. If so, I wonder if they will ever be found and identified. I actually doubt that I will find resolution in my situation, but I do hope for it. I feel so glad that some of the lost children have been found and retrieved. Hopefully very soon many more will be. Hopefully all will be.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Recent New York Times Article

Below is a New York Times article about 215 unmarked children's graves being recently found at an "Indian" residential school in Canada. I hope they keep searching around and under other schools. According to dreams I've had there are also graves near or under the foundation of a red brick school around the Montreal or Ontario area. And that some of the graves are my relatives.

How Thousands of Indigenous Children Vanished in Canada

I feel so sad. This makes me even more convinced that the dreams I had, about some of my relatives being killed and buried at a residential school, may have been very accurate. I wish I knew for sure what happened to them. I wish I had acted on this sooner, because my call for investigations now is apt to get lost in the shuffle, especially since its only based on a dream. There are a lot of schools to be searched. I think the churches should be funding a massive immediate investigations to find other bodies at other schools. They are, after all, the ones who did that to the children, for most part.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Looking Back in Order to Move Forward

It is common to want to put it all behind us and move on or move forward. Yet we must keep looking back until all the healing has been completed, in order to truly move forward. 

  The crimes, that have been committed against the Native American children and families in the Indian Residential Schools in North America, is truly a holocaust.
   The wounds are not only from long ago - the last of the schools, that forcefully tore native children from their families and imprisoned them, was closed in the mid 1990s. This is VERY recent. This is not about old history where natives and whites fought each other. This is about the cruel intentional destruction of the spirit and heart of masses of native children.
   In these schools the native language and spirituality was literally beaten out of the children in many ways. Many victims also report horrific levels of physical and sexual abuse in the Christian schools. The whole concept, even if there had been no severe sexual and physical abuse, is so cruel it is shocking that it was still happening so recently. (There is more in the videos in the right side of this blog.)

My heart deeply feels for the victims of the schools.
I hope they feel my hug in these writings.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

A Book for the Spirit/Heart of the Natives of North America

 I decided to write a book, instead of only doing this blog, so that it can last longer and hopefully be less interfered with by those target me. There is a lot more in this book than what is in this blog. And I had many new realizations as I wrote it and faced how closely the "Indian" residential school holocaust is related to my own situation. This was a very difficult book for me to write, but I felt I had to do it for the sake of freedom and healing for myself as well as others. Please help it to reach the heart of the Native people and all other people who should know what has been happening. 

Return of Native Spirit

If you feel that this book can help you or someone you know, and you honestly can not afford to buy it, you can freely download it. But it is best that you print it out and printing may be more costly then buying it from Barnes and Noble. But please do buy it if you can - please be honest, because I plan to use profits from this book to help Native people with healing their hearts/spirits and also maybe with finding the graves of the Native children who died in the schools, and returning their remains home, if help with this is needed. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Raven Warnings

Ravens Screeched at that school
To warn of evil that did rule.
They screech to warn me too.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Testimonies of Native Victims of Residential Schools

   This is my new page listing statements that have been said by victims/survivors of the "Indian Residential Schools" in Canada and the USA. I hope it helps to validate others and helps to trigger and release the pain.  I also hope it helps to educate the rest of the world. This can not be swept under the rug and there is no "moving on" from until it is fully healed and the healing has only barely just begun.

Testimonies of  Victims of "Indian Residential Schools"

Saturday, March 6, 2021

A Wonderfully Healing Statement

"I opened up and finally let out my feelings about what happened to me and I cried and then that's when I could feel my spirit come back to me." ~ Survivor of Indian Boarding School

Friday, March 5, 2021

Please Become Aware

   In many ways natives have been being targeted by some of the worse kinds of evil that exists in humanity and the result is excruciatingly painful to look at, but we must look, because the targeting did not end with the closing of the Residential Schools/prisons - it has continued, in less obvious ways, and this also must be realized and completely stopped, in order for freedom to be truly regained and healing to take place, not only for the Native people, but also for all of humanity.

Website on the Covert Targeting

Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Native Spirit Lives On

    There was success, with the intentional destruction of Native American spirituality, in the schools that were imprisoning and torturing native children as recently as the 1990s. BUT... 


The Keys to a Better Future

The past must be fully faced and the ongoing covert targeting stopped, before healing can fully take place. It is only through freedom and genuine healing that a better future can be built.

The Wounded Churches

   Many blame the governments for the horrific holocaustal crimes that have been committed against native children and families in the "Indian" residential schools. Yet, when I look at the general situation I see an evil religious persecution of native spirituality in a brutal forced conversion to Christianity, which was performed by the Catholic and other Christian churchesAnd I feel that this core problem must be more fully realized and exposed and stopped, in order for freedom to be fully re-gained and healing to genuinely take place.

Clearly, a lot of healing must also take place in 
the churches. How deeply wounded their hearts
must be, in order to have done such things.

Stolen Papoose

Copywrite March 4, 2021 with all rights reserved Sharon R. Poet

Stolen Papoose

Her face haunts me
The sadness, the scowl,
The overwhelming pain.
Will love and understanding
Return to her lost world and
Make her Spirit smile again?
They must.