Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Raven Warnings

Ravens Screeched at that school
To warn of evil that did rule.
They screech to warn me too.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Testimonies of Native Victims of Residential Schools

   This is my new page listing statements that have been said by victims/survivors of the "Indian Residential Schools" in Canada and the USA. I hope it helps to validate others and helps to trigger and release the pain.  I also hope it helps to educate the rest of the world. This can not be swept under the rug and there is no "moving on" from until it is fully healed and the healing has only barely just begun.

Testimonies of  Victims of "Indian Residential Schools"

Saturday, March 6, 2021

A Wonderfully Healing Statement

"I opened up and finally let out my feelings about what happened to me and I cried and then that's when I could feel my spirit come back to me." ~ Survivor of Indian Boarding School

Friday, March 5, 2021

Please Become Aware

   In many ways natives have been being targeted by some of the worse kinds of evil that exists in humanity and the result is excruciatingly painful to look at, but we must look, because the targeting did not end with the closing of the Residential Schools/prisons - it has continued, in less obvious ways, and this also must be realized and completely stopped, in order for freedom to be truly regained and healing to take place, not only for the Native people, but also for all of humanity.

Website on the Covert Targeting

Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Native Spirit Lives On

    There was success, with the intentional destruction of Native American spirituality, in the schools that were imprisoning and torturing native children as recently as the 1990s. BUT... 


The Keys to a Better Future

The past must be fully faced and the ongoing covert targeting stopped, before healing can fully take place. It is only through freedom and genuine healing that a better future can be built.

The Wounded Churches

   Many blame the governments for the horrific holocaustal crimes that have been committed against native children and families in the "Indian" residential schools. Yet, when I look at the general situation I see an evil religious persecution of native spirituality in a brutal forced conversion to Christianity, which was performed by the Catholic and other Christian churchesAnd I feel that this core problem must be more fully realized and exposed and stopped, in order for freedom to be fully re-gained and healing to genuinely take place.

Clearly, a lot of healing must also take place in 
the churches. How deeply wounded their hearts
must be, in order to have done such things.

Stolen Papoose

Copywrite March 4, 2021 with all rights reserved Sharon R. Poet

Stolen Papoose

Her face haunts me
The sadness, the scowl,
The overwhelming pain.
Will love and understanding
Return to her lost world and
Make her Spirit smile again?
They must.